
Friday, December 12, 2014

The Brooklyn Report Commentary..

The Brooklyn Report Commentary on Some current events including Eric Garner and Mike Brown. Along with some suggestions on what we can do as individuals to Overcome..

Thanks for Watching!!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hello ALL, I hope this Day finds you Motivated and Energized to continue to pursue your Personal Legend!!

            I found this video utterly fascinating!! from 1965, a therapy session.. I always say "There are NO NEW PROBLEMS!" If you're dealing with it someone else has before in this never ending cycle of Life we live in. Same stuff some of us are dealing with in 2014. The answer is always the same, "It Starts with you" has nothing to do with anything else other than reclaiming your power and standing in and owning your own truth!

Would love to know your thoughts.. Comment below and Subscribe!!

The Intro is a little boring, so you can skip to about 9:30 minutes in, Sit back relax and Marvel.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Letting Go!!

Letting Go!!

This lesson was never more apparent to Me until some Money was involved and we are not talking about a couple hundred dollars, we are talking over a  hundred thousand dollars!. I was involved in a business deal with a guy we will call "Gary". I met Gary through a mutual friend I had done business with and trusted. The deal involved helping struggling homeowners save their homes by helping them get caught up on their mortgage, refinance and pull out the equity in their home and in turn, I, the investor would receive my initial investment back plus interest. Sounded like a win-win for everyone involved. My friend had done a deal with Gary and everything went smoothly. So it gave me confidence to invest. I invested 150k which at that time was pretty much my life savings. It was 5 deals with a 30-45 day turnaround on each deal. I got to know Gary during this time and we became what I thought to be pretty good friends. I'd met his dad who was a preacher, his fiancee and his mother. It was a solid family unit and I admired that. As the time came for my deals to close. Gary told me there would be a delay because the funding company was backed up and he assured me not to worry, we continued to hangout, everything seemed cool. If you know anything about real estate delays happen all the time, so there was no cause for concern for me. I got a call from Gary that one of my deals closed and I received my principal plus interest. It took some pressure off of the situation but I started to get concerned when the delays for the other 4 deals continued to drag on. Gary seemed to be very open and honest but I still couldn't shake the feeling of something being wrong. There was a money back guarantee involved in my deals, at any point I could ask for my money back and I would receive it in 48 hours. I had asked to meet Gary for lunch with my friend that initially introduced us. At the meeting Gary explained in detail the delays and how much extra interest I would earn if I hung in there. I said I wasn't sure, and the moment I will never forget the rest of my life, Gary asked me If I wanted my money back?. The most important financial decision I ever had to make was upon me. Take my money back or stay in there until the end. What I know now that I didn't fully understand then is that inside each of us we have a very well equipped "Emotional Guidance System" in place. It is telling us what is for our Highest and Best Good. In that moment I had a voice tell me, "Get your money back" and I have to admit I didn't listen, I let my EGO guide me and stayed in the deal. The deal progressively got worse, to the point of Gary avoiding my calls and ultimately changing his number. It frustrated me so much that I gathered my brothers up and were on our way to his house for some old fashion "Ghetto Shit" to do some bodily damage. Interestingly enough on the way to Gary's house I got a call from Gary about 5 minutes before we arrived to his house. He apologized for not communicating what was going on. I pulled over to take the call and told my brothers and took it as a sign that we shouldn't be on our way to do what we were about to do. My oldest brother was on parole at the time, What the hell was I thinking jeopardizing him like that?? I was so blinded by Anger that I didn't care. But thankfully I listened to the VOICE that time an aborted mission. Long story short Gary turned out to be a criminal. I got caught up in a Real Estate Ponzi Scheme. I had many sleepless nights worrying about the money I lost and how I would recover from it. Having to start over, having to explain how I was a Fool, How I didn't listen to my Spirit when it tried to Protect me!. Ultimately the FBI got involved and at that point it went from bad to worse. Fortunately they saw me as a victim and wanted my cooperation. At this time the Stress and Frustration of it was too much to bear. I was awakened one morning at 4:30 am by the VOICE saying "Let it Go!". Initially I didn't know what was going on but I soon connected it to this situation. My inner VOICE was telling me to "Let it Go", Let the stress go, the frustration, the anger and most importantly the MONEY!!. I initially thought HELL NO!!, Those were not my exact words but you get my drift. This VOICE stayed on me for about a week or so, "Let it Go, Let it Go". Finally I had a talk with my Spirit and said, "Why do you want me to Let it Go?" and Spirit answered back "If this is the only Money you will ever make in your Life, then go kill him because your life is over!" BUT "If you Believe this is just a Drop in the bucket of what your Earning Potential is LET IT GO!" Now trust I debated the VOICE, tried to justify my position etc. etc. but there came a time when I surrendered to my Spirit and Agreed and I listened and I LET IT GO.. Once I did, I instantly felt a Weight being Lifted. I have yet to totally recover Financially from it but Emotionally, Physically and Most Importantly Spiritually I am a Greater than I have ever been! I Learned that my Well being is not and Will not be tied to numbers I see on a bank computer screen. My well being Will be determined Internally, not Externally. It was a Major turning point for me in my Journey to now. I thought to Myself about My mom and her husbands relationship and also my dads death, and how Great it felt to release the hurt,anger,guilt,shame I associated with these things and how Great it felt to be able to do it again in this case. I realized it's the same Move and can be applied as needed and it wouldn't take for me to hit rock bottom to utilize it. I would "Let it Go" immediately before I allow anything to gain Momentum Negatively.

"Letting Go" is an Important tool we can all use to Free ourselves of the Unwanted baggage we wear as Armor. Lay down the excuses and justifications we give ourselves to Warrant "Holding on" when the more Joyous move is to "Let it Go", Take responsibility for your part in it and Forgive yourself. I couldn't even be mad at Gary anymore once I realized my Spirit told me to get out and I didn't Listen. Don't get me wrong this didn't happen immediately but I worked to a place, developed a Muscle to be able to reflect and grow from it. Where can you "Let it Go" of something you're holding on to? Anger, Revenge, Hopelessness, Frustration, Anxiety. "Let it Go" and I guarantee you will begin to Feel better Immediately!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Skeptics vs Cynics

        I was asked not too long ago "Why do I think making a change is so Easy?" I said because, it is Whatever you say it is, if you say its Hard then its Hard, if you say its Easy then its Easy.. The person looked at me like "Yeah,Right!" Lol, I get that a lot these days.. I went on to explain that I believe its Easy because you have a Guarantee. The Guarantee is whatever I'm asking you to try, if it doesn't work for you, I Guarantee whatever you were doing before WILL be there waiting for you if you want to go back! LoL.. So if i'm asking you to focus on finding your Joy and you don't like it, MISERY will be waiting for your Return! That softens there position a little BUT most of us need more convincing, we are so use to the Limiting Beliefs we carry that to accept that we are Powerful Creators is beyond our Perception.

        So being the Virgo I am I took it Further, I wanted to know why most of us believe what we do. The old me would have dismissed the person and walked away in frustration. But I realize something now..

       SKEPTICS and CYNICS!!.. A Skeptic is someone who is Reluctant to believe.. A Cynic is someone who Refuses to believe.. A Skeptic once believed but was Disappointed. A Cynic once believed but was Hurt,Betrayed and Traumatized! However inside of All Skeptics and Most Cynics is a Deep Ache to BELIEVE Again but to do so Without the Fear of being Disappointed,Hurt,Betrayed or Traumatized Again.. This Realization Blew me away.. People can be reached but you have to be willing to get to the Root of why they don't believe, what was that incident that caused someone to become that way.. For me when I was in this space I could trace it back to my fathers passing and his business partners betrayal of our family..

      His death was so Traumatizing, the Pain was so deep, It caused a deep sense of Abandonment that I vowed to never want to feel again. On top of that his business partner stole the business from my mother, So my Trust of People was ruined at the same time. I became Cynical and Skeptical..Looking back I see how choices I made, feelings I felt were tied to these beliefs that I carried.. That's why I stick to Change your Thoughts(Beliefs) , Change your Life! A Belief is only A Thought I keep Thinking!!

Where can you look into your Past Experiences and find what keeps you from Making Lasting Change.. What Beliefs are you carrying that Limit your Progression.. Think about it, I Promise you it's Worth it to Figure it out, So we can all Do what we came here to do which is To Follow Our Joy!!..

If you need assistance don't hesitate to reach out..

Brooklyn Mclinn

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

What Good is a Relationship if it's Built on an Unstable Foundation??

What Good is a RELATIONSHIP if it's Built on an Unstable FOUNDATION??

FOUNDATION - The Basis or Groundwork of Anything. The Natural or Prepared ground or base on which some Structure rests.

I've been thinking about this a lot lately. As someone who Desires to be in a Healthy Relationship where my partner and I decide our own Boundaries, Rules, Freedoms etc.. and Not What Society has dictated what our Relationship should be.

That being said, What does one base their Foundation on?? Morality?, Religion?, Like Interests?.. I know for me once you get past Physical Attraction which I will not deny is Very Important.  COMMUNICATION is Numero Uno on the list!!

COMMUNICATION - The Imparting or Interchange of Thoughts, Opinions,  or Information by Speech, Writing, Physical Expression or Signs.

I've taken a lot of time to understand Communication as a Whole and My "This is the way I Communicate" vs. "This is the way I want to Communicate" and I noticed in the beginning stages of this Journey my Communication was not very Effective to say the least. I would not address uncomfortable issues directly, I would let them fester until ultimately they erupted.  I would get Defensive if I felt like I was being Judged or Attacked. I would try to One up the person just to be Right. My Body Language was closed off. I wanted people to understand my thoughts even though I didn't understand them myself. I wanted a Mind Reader in essence, lol. You name it I did it.

Once I assessed where I was and Accepted it, took Responsibility for it, Forgave myself for the Hurt I caused with my Communication and Forgave others for the Perceived Hurt that I believed their Communication caused me. I asked myself "What kind if Communicator do I want to be?" I want to be Open, Honest, Vulnerable, Dependable, Understanding, Interested as opposed to Interesting, A Listener,  A Speaker from the Heart.. The list went on and on!!

The books that helped me the most are "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz,  "Aspire" by Kevin Hall,  "Just Listen" by Mark Goulston and "The definitive book of Body Language" by Barbara Pease.

Then as we all know its the application of the information that is key. "Knowing is not enough, we must Apply. Willing is Not Enough we Must Do" BRUCE LEE.

The trial and error,  The response from those I spoke to and How Good it made me Feel to have fulfilling conversations where both Parties "Feel-Felt".

Now I Understand that not everyone will Communicate the same way, we all have different experiences both physical, emotional and environmental.  That being said there is a match for everyone of us, not the Perfect person but the Perfect person for us!

I don't believe you should alter or modify your behavior to appease your partner unless it is Truly something you desire for Yourself! At this point in my life I'm not willing to start a Relationship in a shaky Foundation and then try to Fix it later! Been there done that, lol.. Please don't Confuse Foundation with House on top of it either. It could be a Shack sitting on a Solid Foundation as opposed to a Mansion built on Quicksand.

With all that being said it is not a Judgement of another if you decide you prefer something different than what they offer. Just be Open and Honest about it Speaking with Love. Time waits for no one and Wasted Time is an even Bitter pill to swallow.

So I Encourage you to Figure out what FOUNDATION you will build your Relationship on. It's Well Worth the Time to Find out!

As Always, ME-WE!!

Brookyn Mclinn

Sunday, May 11, 2014

On Mother's Day!!


LoL, can't say it enough times.

I thought today would be a great day to write and express some thoughts that have resonated with me, since my trip to Egypt.

Most of you don't know the reason why I went to Egypt to begin with. I went to Mystery School to study Egyptian Mysticism for 2 weeks. It was an amazing experience! Overwhelmingly Emotional! There aren't enough descriptive words to truly capture the feeling of being there. The information that was gathered is Life changing. All that being said, I wanted to share something that I learned and am embracing.

And I pledge to Embrace and Express this Idea for the rest of my days on this Earth.

Some might be thinking what exactly does this mean??

My time in Egypt explained to me the proper perspective to have to ensure Harmony in the World. I understand now that the way to Christ Consciousness is through the HEART. And I'm not speaking in terms of Religion, lets put that aside for now and just consider the Idea. Women instinctively think from their Heart, Men instinctively think with our Brains. Here's what's interesting, We know where our Brain is and we know where our Heart is but did you know your Mind is in your Heart. It's where your Emotion is! Emotion is Energy in Motion. When you visit the temples in Egypt and witness the images on the temple walls you constantly see the Woman standing behind their man. In western society it is explained that the woman's place is behind the man, submissive to her man.
I beg to differ the Woman is strategically placed behind the man so she can cover him!. Yes he sits on the throne with his woman behind him but think about the image. He can see what he can see and she can see what he can see AND what she can see! That's key she is there to cover and support and have his back! Not to be beneath him, not to be submissive to him. Now this idea may be familiar to some but lets take it a step further. What if Men consulted with Woman when it came to government decisions? What if men learned to think from their Hearts? How would the world be different?

I'm not looking to diminish the role of the man, we do what we do, for security,financially,protection of our families. What I'm looking to do is uplift the Woman and put her back in her proper place which is in a position of Authority to cover and protect us men as we go out and do the things that nature calls us to do.

I'm not sure if I'm making total sense but it just feels right to me to express this. I'm making a concerted effort to think from my Heart and place Women back in their proper place. I love you all, Unconditionally!!

Once again - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

Brooklyn Mclinn

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Good Morning!!

Fresh off my trip to Egypt and still adjusting to the time zone here at home, I've been wide awake since about 230am, LoL..

So I decided to write..

Anyways was watching a video about a wide range of topics and Forgiveness came up. I thought to myself what does it truly mean to Forgive?? I was having lunch with a friend yesterday and she mentioned something her father did that one could definitely justify destroyed her family as she knew it. Subsequently her relationship with her pops has dramatically changed ever since. She spoke about how many years went by without them speaking all together and how recently she began to soften her heart toward her dad in hopes of re-birthing the relationship. But that it was such a struggle to release and Forgive what he did.. I commended her on her Honesty about how she felt and even making an attempt at working it out with her father. I stressed the importance of a girls first love being her daddy an idea she totally embraced. That being said after we finished our meal and went our separate ways I began to ponder in depth Forgiveness..

First off We ALL Need to know that Forgiveness is POWER!! - Forgiveness is the Single best gift one could give to oneself!. Forgiveness literally means to "Give Forth"

I use to think Forgiveness was something I did for the person or situation that "Wronged me" To free them of the guilt,shame or grief they may be feeling from the act.

Through my studies and life experiences I realized the act of Forgiving is really for me. Having a better understanding of universal law of Consequence or "What goes around comes around" I realized whatever act that I am perceiving had to originally come from me. This energy is being returned to me and the situation or person is acting as a mirror revealing to me a lesson that I can learn from because as "Like attracts like" if I am able to find the root/seed inside of me and truly remove it or "Give it Forth" then the energy will no longer come back to me because it is no longer in me.

So then the question becomes "What is it in me, that attracted this energy, this act or this person to me??"

If I am accusing someone of lying,cheating,stealing, lacking integrity, being abusive etc.. By Law it has to be in me first, there is some energy in me that gives that off or I wouldn't perceive it as such. This is where Honesty with oneself would come in handy. Without judging or justifying the feeling, I would ask myself if I have committed any of these things in my dealings with people or situations and the answer would be a Resounding YES! I have lied to keep from accepting responsibility, to keep from hurting someones feelings, to make myself(ego) seem larger than I may have been at the time. I have cheated in games to win, to have more than someone else, I have stolen when I thought something wasn't fair or when I thought I didn't have enough. I have been verbally abusive to people and situations, I have abused my body, my mind and spirit at times.. So if I'm finding in myself the things that I'm claiming someone did to me then its time to take a step back and Understand why I did them and think for some time that it very well may be the same reason that the person or situation did it to me!

Once again its not to JUSTIFY the BEHAVIOR its to Understand to Release the that seed of Energy from ME that attracted it in the first place.

Now One might think of a child being taken advantaged of and wonder how did they attract that to themselves. I asked the same question and what came back continuously is a child isn't fully capable until a certain age and awareness to understand energy attraction, cause and effect etc.. but the adults around them, the environment these kids our in is definitely responsible for the Energy being created. An abusive household that a child may be in will directly have an effect on the development of that child.

And some of us who may have been affected by this still can gain from using Forgiveness once again to free ourselves of any binding Energy that may be getting in the way of Healthier lifestyles that we may desire but are unaware that these past transgressions may be causing resistance.

To bring it back full circle. Forgiveness to me is a muscle that can be developed. I've learned to look at the results of whats in front of me as lessons that can be appreciated as opposed to condemned for not being what I ultimately desire. Take the info process it and it "Give it Forth or Forgive it" so that by the law of Correspondence or "Cause and Effect" it will not be allowed to return.. And if it does don't beat yourself up keep digging and releasing and ultimately it will cease to return;-)

"Knowing your Own Darkness is the Best method for dealing with the Darkness of other People" Carl Gustav Jung"

Brooklyn Mclinn

Friday, March 7, 2014

A Belief is Only A Thought I keep Thinking!

Interesting concept. Most of us are RULED by OUR BELIEFS! If a belief is only a thought I keep thinking, then If I change my thoughts, I change my beliefs and then my results change!

You put the rat in the maze. Down the first tunnel he goes, and there’s no food. The rat’s hungry, so he goes to the second tunnel; no cheese. Third tunnel; no cheese. In the fourth tunnel, he finally finds the cheese.  Give the rat some time to get hungry and motivated again, and then put it back at the beginning of the maze with food again at the end of the fourth tunnel. The pattern repeats: First tunnel, second tunnel, third tunnel, no cheese. Finally the rat gets to the fourth tunnel and finds the cheese. Pretty soon, you get a smart rat. When you put him at the beginning of the maze, he heads straight to the fourth tunnel and finds the cheese right away.

Now you test your theory by moving the cheese to exit number 2 and see how long it takes for the rat to unlearn the old pattern and learn a new one. You put the rat at the beginning of the maze. Right down the fourth tunnel go goes. No exit, no food. He retraces his steps, confused.

Back and forth the rat goes, and you record how many times he goes back and forth. Soon the rat gets really hungry and gives up going down the fourth tunnel. He goes down the first tunnel, then the second tunnel, and finds the cheese. If you keep putting the cheese at the second tunnel, the rat will begin consistently heading down the second tunnel.

The man finishes the psychology book, puts it back on the shelf, and thinks, “There’s a big difference between rats and human beings. From what I’ve read so far, if rats get hungry, they will eventually go down a different tunnel. But human beings will go down the same tunnel over and over again, thinking that the cheese will eventually be there. If it was there once, certainly it will be there again.”

Could it be true that rats are smarter than human beings?

Some people will take a chair and sit at the end of the fourth tunnel, waiting. They think, “I’ll just hang out – I’m sure the cheese will be here soon.” They think things like: “It was here in the family I grew up in, so it’s got to be here.” Or: “It was here in my last relationship, so I’m sure it will be here.” Or: “It makes sense that it should be here, so I’ll just wait.”

All rats know is they are hungry and they haven’t yet found the cheese. On the other hand, human beings could eat their beliefs for decades.

If you’ve been sitting around on the same beliefs, thinking that eventually life will change.  Ask yourself: What would the rat do?

Where in our lives have we held on to a Belief expecting a different result?? It's nothing to be ashamed about. At any point you can DECIDE to DO Something Different.

Thoughts become Things. Beliefs are nothing more than Thought I continue to Think. CHANGE MY THOUGHTS CHANGE MY LIFE!


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Some thoughts I woke up with..

Good Morning!

I Love this time of morning because it is so quiet and my thoughts are really clear at this time. Before the day revs up and we become susceptible to getting knock out of alignment.

I just wanted to share a couple things on some topics that I have had to deal with in my life and continue to develop a muscle to better handle it as it comes in the future.

FEAR - by definition means something that causes dread, apprehension, concern or anxiety.
A popular one is False Evidence Appearing Real..
I have come to the conclusion that FEAR is just a lack of information. Because once you have the information what's to fear??. Take fire for example, when you don't understand fire it can be scary, it can burn and do deadly harm. But once you have an understanding and knowledge of fire and learn to respect its properties, you can use fire to your benefit. Fire can keep you warm, cook food, be used as a weapon for protection. Empower yourself with Information. But then you might ask, "The Information/Truth/Knowledge may be PAINFUL" Then I would say learn to LOVE the TRUTH. Learn to Love the process of "Not Knowing to Knowing" and all the benefits that come with it. Consider this.. True Possibility Lies in the UNKNOWN! its not in what you DO Know, it is in What you DON'T KNOW!.

HELP - Why is this such a powerful word?. What does it mean to ask for Help?. By definition HELP means to make it easier for someone to do something by offering aid/assistance.
I remember when I finally gave myself permission to ask for HELP. To stop feeling like I had to know it all on my own. My GROWTH grew exponentially! Especially for men, asking for HELP is such a Taboo in this society. When the truth is NO ONE makes it on their own!
There are no new problems.Stop feeling like your problems are unique to you. Civilization has been here for thousands of years. People have been having problems since the beginning of time. Someone has had your problem before and someone has written a book, created a program, an audio CD, a video about a potential solution. Seek it Out, Seek the Truth Out. Don't let FEAR of asking for HELP stop your GROWTH anymore!

BODY LANGUAGE - just wanting to make sure that what we're desiring is being communicated through our bodies. A lot of times what I intended internally wasn't being communicated externally through my Body Language. It's necessary for effective communication for those 2 things to be in sync to accomplish what we Want, Need and Desire. Remember 60-70% of all communication is non-verbal so it is something to look at and take note of.

Have a Great Day All!!


Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Daily Motivation..

A Great way to start the day of with a Deliberate Intention.. Intend for your day to turn out the way you want it. Regain CONTROL over your Thoughts!! You have that Power!

I make it a practice to watch something, read something, write something EVERY MORNING to set the Intention for my day.. Put yourself FIRST! If that means waking up 15-20 minutes earlier or cutting short that social outing to give yourself time before you go to bed to do something for yourself. It is not something you should do, it is something you "MUST" do, it needs to be that important to you.. I promise it will be worth it and the results if you stick with it will gain momentum!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Because I Said I Would..


A very simple Phrase that could be a Catalyst for MAJOR CHANGE in someones Life. I remember the first time it was brought to my attention. I was 15 or 16 years old and my oldest niece Briann was 2 or 3 years old and I was heading out to play basketball at the park and she was crying because she didn't want her Uncle Bo(me) lol, to leave. So I said to her "Do you want me to bring you back something?" She nodded yes and I said "Okay, I will bring you back some Ice cream!. She smiled and I kissed her goodbye and left. I had to say something to get her to stop crying and I did have intention of following through on what I said. Now those that know me, know when I'm playing ball, I'm not focused on anything else, so the day went by and I returned home and smooth forgot to get the ice cream. Now I could have turned around and went to the store and grabbed some but I was thinking she is 3 she won't remember what happened this morning. So I strolled in and went into the kitchen and my dad was in there and he said, "Did you bring back Ice cream?" and I ashamedly said No.. He looked at me with some disappointment and said "Don't ever make a Promise you can't keep". Then he said he had brought some Ice cream home with him because he figured I wouldn't remember.. I felt really bad in the moment and it taught me a very valuable lesson. To always keep my word!.. Really, when you think about it, that's all we have. It's what separates us from the next person, our ability to keep our Word. It's how we know GOD by being able to trust in his Word. Our ability to keep our Word is what determines our Reliability,Dependability,Trustworthiness and so on..

This phrase is on me write now because I recently read an article about it. It's such a simple phrase and yet so many of us struggle to follow through on. BECAUSE I SAID I WOULD, words that I will consciously live by. I'm sure all of us can recall a time when someone didn't keep their word or we didn't keep ours. Some might say it happens deal with it. But why is that acceptable??. What if we made a point to follow through BECAUSE WE SAID WE WOULD.. Think about a World where that happens!! Brings a smile to my face!

Check out the article its Dope and Hopefully it Inspires you as well..

Monday, January 6, 2014

I've met the Woman of My Dreams!!

Happy New Year!!

WoW 2014 is upon us!! The beginning of the year is always a special time for many.. New resolutions, New goals, New beginnings and hopefully New endings!! Out with the old and in With NEW!!..

Hopefully for some like myself instead of waiting for the New year to work on a New You, every single day is an opportunity to create a better present for yourself. A thought that I carry with me is "My Future will Look like How I FEEL Today!".. Continually reaching for a better feeling thought at all times is key. It's a muscle that's worth developing;-) trust me!.. No one/thing or situation  should have that much power over us to make us feel less than what we are, which is the image and likeness of GOD!. Declare in 2014 to take your power back from all things that do not represent LOVE! Take your power back from jealousy,envy,anger, frustration, stressful relationships,jobs and all the sorts.. You can do it! It is a muscle that definitely needs to be worked. Start small and build momentum, try to remain positive through your lunch break,lol.. if it doesn't happen don't beat yourself up. Acknowledge the fall and get back up and resume being positive!. It gets easier the more you focus on it.

Anyways as usual I digress,lol..

I'm in LOVE!! I've been waiting a Long time to feel this way and I want to feel this way for the rest of my time on this Earth! She is Everything I could ever imagine, Attractive, Smart, Dependable, Loyal, Trustworthy.. The adjectives can go on for days!! She's been in my Life for as long as I can remember and in the last year I finally saw her the way she deserves to be seen. I'm just Grateful that she didn't give up on me while I was out trying to find in other women, what she already possessed..

All the sappy Love songs mean that much more,lol.. If I would have known that true Love felt like this DAM! I would have got with her many years ago.. Unfortunately a lot of men/women haven't been taught to know that we deserve to Love and Be Loved. We don't know our Value as human beings outside of what society designates us as. We look for our value Externally instead of Internally.. I think that's when my transformation began. Once I started to ask the question "What's my Value and who determines it?" and the answer I came to was that "I" was responsible for determining my Value.. What type of person then Do I want to be? and this is when it gets fun because the possibilities are endless..  Do I want to be respectful or disrespectful? do I want to be Loyal or disloyal? the questions can last a lifetime! What's cool about is whatever I say it is can be Had! It starts inside of me. Whatever I want the World to be I must be first! If I am who I say I want to be nothing but that can come into my reality.. It's like eating at a buffet and getting to choose what you like and don't like to eat and being able to go back infinite times until your satisfied.

Anyways back to my girl! Like the Temptations say.. "Talking bout my Girrrlll, My Girl!" lol..
Its so amazing to get to wake up to her every morning and go to bed with her every night. She cheers my ups and softens my downs, never judging, only encouraging and reinforcing that she's going to be there for me no matter what!.. I hope you all get to see her as I do someday.. That relationship that we all deserve to have if we just allow it to be.. It's not difficult, it starts with Loving yourself first and once you can Love yourself unconditionally.. Your mate will appear.. Almost like Magic..

My woman's name is LIFE.. and I am soooo in Love with you that I wanted the world to know, That I honor, cherish and respect you more than words can ever describe, so just look into my heart and no words will be necessary. LIFE thank you for being there even when I didn't want you to. Through my darkest times when my pops passed and my brother went away, you told me the Sun would come up tomorrow but I ignored you. But my pledge to you is that there will never come a day, that I don't Thank You for all you shown me, as I learn daily to Love the negative as much as the positive as it provides clarity in the things that we can do together. I Love you so much LIFE that I'm willing to share you with the World because this much goodness Deserves to be Felt by EVERYONE.. Lets see what we can accomplish in 2014! and Beyond! Love you babe!

Yours Forever
Brooklyn Mclinn