
Monday, August 11, 2014

Letting Go!!

Letting Go!!

This lesson was never more apparent to Me until some Money was involved and we are not talking about a couple hundred dollars, we are talking over a  hundred thousand dollars!. I was involved in a business deal with a guy we will call "Gary". I met Gary through a mutual friend I had done business with and trusted. The deal involved helping struggling homeowners save their homes by helping them get caught up on their mortgage, refinance and pull out the equity in their home and in turn, I, the investor would receive my initial investment back plus interest. Sounded like a win-win for everyone involved. My friend had done a deal with Gary and everything went smoothly. So it gave me confidence to invest. I invested 150k which at that time was pretty much my life savings. It was 5 deals with a 30-45 day turnaround on each deal. I got to know Gary during this time and we became what I thought to be pretty good friends. I'd met his dad who was a preacher, his fiancee and his mother. It was a solid family unit and I admired that. As the time came for my deals to close. Gary told me there would be a delay because the funding company was backed up and he assured me not to worry, we continued to hangout, everything seemed cool. If you know anything about real estate delays happen all the time, so there was no cause for concern for me. I got a call from Gary that one of my deals closed and I received my principal plus interest. It took some pressure off of the situation but I started to get concerned when the delays for the other 4 deals continued to drag on. Gary seemed to be very open and honest but I still couldn't shake the feeling of something being wrong. There was a money back guarantee involved in my deals, at any point I could ask for my money back and I would receive it in 48 hours. I had asked to meet Gary for lunch with my friend that initially introduced us. At the meeting Gary explained in detail the delays and how much extra interest I would earn if I hung in there. I said I wasn't sure, and the moment I will never forget the rest of my life, Gary asked me If I wanted my money back?. The most important financial decision I ever had to make was upon me. Take my money back or stay in there until the end. What I know now that I didn't fully understand then is that inside each of us we have a very well equipped "Emotional Guidance System" in place. It is telling us what is for our Highest and Best Good. In that moment I had a voice tell me, "Get your money back" and I have to admit I didn't listen, I let my EGO guide me and stayed in the deal. The deal progressively got worse, to the point of Gary avoiding my calls and ultimately changing his number. It frustrated me so much that I gathered my brothers up and were on our way to his house for some old fashion "Ghetto Shit" to do some bodily damage. Interestingly enough on the way to Gary's house I got a call from Gary about 5 minutes before we arrived to his house. He apologized for not communicating what was going on. I pulled over to take the call and told my brothers and took it as a sign that we shouldn't be on our way to do what we were about to do. My oldest brother was on parole at the time, What the hell was I thinking jeopardizing him like that?? I was so blinded by Anger that I didn't care. But thankfully I listened to the VOICE that time an aborted mission. Long story short Gary turned out to be a criminal. I got caught up in a Real Estate Ponzi Scheme. I had many sleepless nights worrying about the money I lost and how I would recover from it. Having to start over, having to explain how I was a Fool, How I didn't listen to my Spirit when it tried to Protect me!. Ultimately the FBI got involved and at that point it went from bad to worse. Fortunately they saw me as a victim and wanted my cooperation. At this time the Stress and Frustration of it was too much to bear. I was awakened one morning at 4:30 am by the VOICE saying "Let it Go!". Initially I didn't know what was going on but I soon connected it to this situation. My inner VOICE was telling me to "Let it Go", Let the stress go, the frustration, the anger and most importantly the MONEY!!. I initially thought HELL NO!!, Those were not my exact words but you get my drift. This VOICE stayed on me for about a week or so, "Let it Go, Let it Go". Finally I had a talk with my Spirit and said, "Why do you want me to Let it Go?" and Spirit answered back "If this is the only Money you will ever make in your Life, then go kill him because your life is over!" BUT "If you Believe this is just a Drop in the bucket of what your Earning Potential is LET IT GO!" Now trust I debated the VOICE, tried to justify my position etc. etc. but there came a time when I surrendered to my Spirit and Agreed and I listened and I LET IT GO.. Once I did, I instantly felt a Weight being Lifted. I have yet to totally recover Financially from it but Emotionally, Physically and Most Importantly Spiritually I am a Greater than I have ever been! I Learned that my Well being is not and Will not be tied to numbers I see on a bank computer screen. My well being Will be determined Internally, not Externally. It was a Major turning point for me in my Journey to now. I thought to Myself about My mom and her husbands relationship and also my dads death, and how Great it felt to release the hurt,anger,guilt,shame I associated with these things and how Great it felt to be able to do it again in this case. I realized it's the same Move and can be applied as needed and it wouldn't take for me to hit rock bottom to utilize it. I would "Let it Go" immediately before I allow anything to gain Momentum Negatively.

"Letting Go" is an Important tool we can all use to Free ourselves of the Unwanted baggage we wear as Armor. Lay down the excuses and justifications we give ourselves to Warrant "Holding on" when the more Joyous move is to "Let it Go", Take responsibility for your part in it and Forgive yourself. I couldn't even be mad at Gary anymore once I realized my Spirit told me to get out and I didn't Listen. Don't get me wrong this didn't happen immediately but I worked to a place, developed a Muscle to be able to reflect and grow from it. Where can you "Let it Go" of something you're holding on to? Anger, Revenge, Hopelessness, Frustration, Anxiety. "Let it Go" and I guarantee you will begin to Feel better Immediately!

1 comment:

  1. Interestingly enough, earlier today I was talking to a young lady about a very popular Disney song from the movie, Frozen: "Let It Go." Dang interesting.
