
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Series on The Laws of The Universe..

Greetings party people!

I'm Happy to announce that I had my first discussion group last week on "Creating a Better you". It was a very positive experience! A small group of us will gather periodically and discuss different ways of evolving as the powerful creators we are. I'm excited and Inspired to be apart of it, I already see it growing beyond expectation.

Anyways I usually don't blog for the sake of blogging.Typically I've been studying something that inspires me to write and it is no different here.. That being said I want to venture in to The Laws of The Universe. These Laws govern what happens to us in our daily lives. So basically whether you want to accept it or not YOU are RESPONSIBLE for what happens to YOU! So if I believe this to be True,then it rings true to me to want to create a REALITY that will bring Joy/Love/Abundance. So How do I do that?? I do that by learning to CONTROL the THOUGHTS that I THINK. That may sound challenging because we have up to 60,000 thoughts a day,lol. So then the next step becomes, How Do I Feel When I Think the Thought?? because its the FEELING/ENERGY/EMOTION behind the Thought that can gain ENERGY/MOMENTUM which then produces Manifestations.

So then the first law we will discuss today is.. "The Law of Cause and Effect".. We've all heard it before, What goes around comes around, You reap what you sow. This is very true but how can I take control of it and use it more for my benefit. I think for many of us the idea that we are in total control of what happens to us is tough to accept because we've been conditioned to only live through our 5 physical senses. Sight,Touch.Taste,Smell,Hear.. These physical senses are what most of us use to respond to the external world. I would like to share with you a different perspective on it.

Cause and Effect. When we allow the external environment(family,friends,significant other,job) EFFECT how we FEEL, we end up focusing on Who/What CAUSED that.That cause and effect is us living as the VICTIM to the environment. The true aspect of Cause and Effect  isn't in the environment changing how we think and feel. its when we can think and feel independent of whats going on in the environment. Now we are no longer living at cause and effect, we begin to CAUSE an EFFECT! This is when people begin to feel empowered! We can always Choose a BETTER FEELING THOUGHT at ALL TIMES. WE have that POWER no matter what happens we always have 2 choices!! Is the GLASS half FULL or is it half EMPTY. Try it for a week and see! I guarantee you, YOU WILL see and more importantly FEEL a difference..


  1. Where is the like button? I are the creator of your own happiness and if you allow your external environment effect how you feel then you will always be in prison by your own thoughts and unhappiness....such of a fan!

    1. Your comment is the "like".. lol.. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Even though you and I discussed this no too long ago, it's certainly great to be reminded once again. I mentioned to you that it is easier said than done, but I guess it's the practice of the mind, which then becomes a daily routine, and ultimately becomes a part of you. So thank you for opening that door for me, thats been shut for quite some time :)

    Creating our own positive outlook and happiness is really the key ingredient that we all need to be able to dream and guide our hearts, so that we are inspired to love life, and welcome a new day that we can divinely enjoy, regardless of the external negativity that comes along the way.

    1. Your Welcome! one can never hear it enough times.. I practice it everyday! The only tweak I would make for you is, The "Perception of what we think negative is" Try looking at the negative as necessary to clarify the positive.. Then the negative is just as important as the positive. Believe it or not both work hand in hand.. Its the Law of Polarity..

  4. This is great Brooklyn. I recently learned about the "Vicious Cycle" most of us live have WHAT HAPPENED and then THE STORY which we create and live in. The story then takes you back to what happened and it becomes a cycle and repeats itself UNTIL you learn that WHAT HAPPENED are simply the facts...nothing more, nothing less and you then DO NOT create this story around it. It goes A LOT deeper than that, but I think you can get the gist of it. It's so freeing once you are AWARE ;-)

    1. Thanks for reading.. once someone decides they want change, then it becomes about the application of a new process, determining the feeling after applying it(feels good) and then applying it over and over until it becomes a habit. otherwise the cycle you talk about will replay itself..
