
Sunday, May 11, 2014

On Mother's Day!!


LoL, can't say it enough times.

I thought today would be a great day to write and express some thoughts that have resonated with me, since my trip to Egypt.

Most of you don't know the reason why I went to Egypt to begin with. I went to Mystery School to study Egyptian Mysticism for 2 weeks. It was an amazing experience! Overwhelmingly Emotional! There aren't enough descriptive words to truly capture the feeling of being there. The information that was gathered is Life changing. All that being said, I wanted to share something that I learned and am embracing.

And I pledge to Embrace and Express this Idea for the rest of my days on this Earth.

Some might be thinking what exactly does this mean??

My time in Egypt explained to me the proper perspective to have to ensure Harmony in the World. I understand now that the way to Christ Consciousness is through the HEART. And I'm not speaking in terms of Religion, lets put that aside for now and just consider the Idea. Women instinctively think from their Heart, Men instinctively think with our Brains. Here's what's interesting, We know where our Brain is and we know where our Heart is but did you know your Mind is in your Heart. It's where your Emotion is! Emotion is Energy in Motion. When you visit the temples in Egypt and witness the images on the temple walls you constantly see the Woman standing behind their man. In western society it is explained that the woman's place is behind the man, submissive to her man.
I beg to differ the Woman is strategically placed behind the man so she can cover him!. Yes he sits on the throne with his woman behind him but think about the image. He can see what he can see and she can see what he can see AND what she can see! That's key she is there to cover and support and have his back! Not to be beneath him, not to be submissive to him. Now this idea may be familiar to some but lets take it a step further. What if Men consulted with Woman when it came to government decisions? What if men learned to think from their Hearts? How would the world be different?

I'm not looking to diminish the role of the man, we do what we do, for security,financially,protection of our families. What I'm looking to do is uplift the Woman and put her back in her proper place which is in a position of Authority to cover and protect us men as we go out and do the things that nature calls us to do.

I'm not sure if I'm making total sense but it just feels right to me to express this. I'm making a concerted effort to think from my Heart and place Women back in their proper place. I love you all, Unconditionally!!

Once again - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

Brooklyn Mclinn

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