
Friday, January 10, 2014

Because I Said I Would..


A very simple Phrase that could be a Catalyst for MAJOR CHANGE in someones Life. I remember the first time it was brought to my attention. I was 15 or 16 years old and my oldest niece Briann was 2 or 3 years old and I was heading out to play basketball at the park and she was crying because she didn't want her Uncle Bo(me) lol, to leave. So I said to her "Do you want me to bring you back something?" She nodded yes and I said "Okay, I will bring you back some Ice cream!. She smiled and I kissed her goodbye and left. I had to say something to get her to stop crying and I did have intention of following through on what I said. Now those that know me, know when I'm playing ball, I'm not focused on anything else, so the day went by and I returned home and smooth forgot to get the ice cream. Now I could have turned around and went to the store and grabbed some but I was thinking she is 3 she won't remember what happened this morning. So I strolled in and went into the kitchen and my dad was in there and he said, "Did you bring back Ice cream?" and I ashamedly said No.. He looked at me with some disappointment and said "Don't ever make a Promise you can't keep". Then he said he had brought some Ice cream home with him because he figured I wouldn't remember.. I felt really bad in the moment and it taught me a very valuable lesson. To always keep my word!.. Really, when you think about it, that's all we have. It's what separates us from the next person, our ability to keep our Word. It's how we know GOD by being able to trust in his Word. Our ability to keep our Word is what determines our Reliability,Dependability,Trustworthiness and so on..

This phrase is on me write now because I recently read an article about it. It's such a simple phrase and yet so many of us struggle to follow through on. BECAUSE I SAID I WOULD, words that I will consciously live by. I'm sure all of us can recall a time when someone didn't keep their word or we didn't keep ours. Some might say it happens deal with it. But why is that acceptable??. What if we made a point to follow through BECAUSE WE SAID WE WOULD.. Think about a World where that happens!! Brings a smile to my face!

Check out the article its Dope and Hopefully it Inspires you as well..


  1. I'm completing two writing projects tonight. Because I said I would.

    1. As you should, if you can't your word to yourself, you dam sure not going ot do it when you give it to someone else! lol
