
Friday, January 10, 2014

Because I Said I Would..


A very simple Phrase that could be a Catalyst for MAJOR CHANGE in someones Life. I remember the first time it was brought to my attention. I was 15 or 16 years old and my oldest niece Briann was 2 or 3 years old and I was heading out to play basketball at the park and she was crying because she didn't want her Uncle Bo(me) lol, to leave. So I said to her "Do you want me to bring you back something?" She nodded yes and I said "Okay, I will bring you back some Ice cream!. She smiled and I kissed her goodbye and left. I had to say something to get her to stop crying and I did have intention of following through on what I said. Now those that know me, know when I'm playing ball, I'm not focused on anything else, so the day went by and I returned home and smooth forgot to get the ice cream. Now I could have turned around and went to the store and grabbed some but I was thinking she is 3 she won't remember what happened this morning. So I strolled in and went into the kitchen and my dad was in there and he said, "Did you bring back Ice cream?" and I ashamedly said No.. He looked at me with some disappointment and said "Don't ever make a Promise you can't keep". Then he said he had brought some Ice cream home with him because he figured I wouldn't remember.. I felt really bad in the moment and it taught me a very valuable lesson. To always keep my word!.. Really, when you think about it, that's all we have. It's what separates us from the next person, our ability to keep our Word. It's how we know GOD by being able to trust in his Word. Our ability to keep our Word is what determines our Reliability,Dependability,Trustworthiness and so on..

This phrase is on me write now because I recently read an article about it. It's such a simple phrase and yet so many of us struggle to follow through on. BECAUSE I SAID I WOULD, words that I will consciously live by. I'm sure all of us can recall a time when someone didn't keep their word or we didn't keep ours. Some might say it happens deal with it. But why is that acceptable??. What if we made a point to follow through BECAUSE WE SAID WE WOULD.. Think about a World where that happens!! Brings a smile to my face!

Check out the article its Dope and Hopefully it Inspires you as well..

Monday, January 6, 2014

I've met the Woman of My Dreams!!

Happy New Year!!

WoW 2014 is upon us!! The beginning of the year is always a special time for many.. New resolutions, New goals, New beginnings and hopefully New endings!! Out with the old and in With NEW!!..

Hopefully for some like myself instead of waiting for the New year to work on a New You, every single day is an opportunity to create a better present for yourself. A thought that I carry with me is "My Future will Look like How I FEEL Today!".. Continually reaching for a better feeling thought at all times is key. It's a muscle that's worth developing;-) trust me!.. No one/thing or situation  should have that much power over us to make us feel less than what we are, which is the image and likeness of GOD!. Declare in 2014 to take your power back from all things that do not represent LOVE! Take your power back from jealousy,envy,anger, frustration, stressful relationships,jobs and all the sorts.. You can do it! It is a muscle that definitely needs to be worked. Start small and build momentum, try to remain positive through your lunch break,lol.. if it doesn't happen don't beat yourself up. Acknowledge the fall and get back up and resume being positive!. It gets easier the more you focus on it.

Anyways as usual I digress,lol..

I'm in LOVE!! I've been waiting a Long time to feel this way and I want to feel this way for the rest of my time on this Earth! She is Everything I could ever imagine, Attractive, Smart, Dependable, Loyal, Trustworthy.. The adjectives can go on for days!! She's been in my Life for as long as I can remember and in the last year I finally saw her the way she deserves to be seen. I'm just Grateful that she didn't give up on me while I was out trying to find in other women, what she already possessed..

All the sappy Love songs mean that much more,lol.. If I would have known that true Love felt like this DAM! I would have got with her many years ago.. Unfortunately a lot of men/women haven't been taught to know that we deserve to Love and Be Loved. We don't know our Value as human beings outside of what society designates us as. We look for our value Externally instead of Internally.. I think that's when my transformation began. Once I started to ask the question "What's my Value and who determines it?" and the answer I came to was that "I" was responsible for determining my Value.. What type of person then Do I want to be? and this is when it gets fun because the possibilities are endless..  Do I want to be respectful or disrespectful? do I want to be Loyal or disloyal? the questions can last a lifetime! What's cool about is whatever I say it is can be Had! It starts inside of me. Whatever I want the World to be I must be first! If I am who I say I want to be nothing but that can come into my reality.. It's like eating at a buffet and getting to choose what you like and don't like to eat and being able to go back infinite times until your satisfied.

Anyways back to my girl! Like the Temptations say.. "Talking bout my Girrrlll, My Girl!" lol..
Its so amazing to get to wake up to her every morning and go to bed with her every night. She cheers my ups and softens my downs, never judging, only encouraging and reinforcing that she's going to be there for me no matter what!.. I hope you all get to see her as I do someday.. That relationship that we all deserve to have if we just allow it to be.. It's not difficult, it starts with Loving yourself first and once you can Love yourself unconditionally.. Your mate will appear.. Almost like Magic..

My woman's name is LIFE.. and I am soooo in Love with you that I wanted the world to know, That I honor, cherish and respect you more than words can ever describe, so just look into my heart and no words will be necessary. LIFE thank you for being there even when I didn't want you to. Through my darkest times when my pops passed and my brother went away, you told me the Sun would come up tomorrow but I ignored you. But my pledge to you is that there will never come a day, that I don't Thank You for all you shown me, as I learn daily to Love the negative as much as the positive as it provides clarity in the things that we can do together. I Love you so much LIFE that I'm willing to share you with the World because this much goodness Deserves to be Felt by EVERYONE.. Lets see what we can accomplish in 2014! and Beyond! Love you babe!

Yours Forever
Brooklyn Mclinn