
Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Good Day Party People!

I was watching something  called "The Moses Code" the other day on youtube Check it out if you have time.

The biggest thing I got out of it was this phrase "I AM THAT, I AM". Exodus 3:14 Of the King James version says that when Moses came unto the burning bush and asked God's name, God replied "I am That, I am". Now those of you who actually KNOW me, know that I am not a Bible toting, Soap box preaching person. But this phrase really struck a chord with me. As I continue as a Spiritual Being having a Physical experience this phrase instantly became extremely important to me. It has because as we all know scripture has been manipulated to mean whatever the interpreter wants it to mean and we have seen through out history how the Bible has been used to justify all kinds of activities. So my interpretation of "I am that, I am" simply means.. EVERYTHING AROUND US from the air, the ocean, the trees, the animals, people(good and bad) etc.. I AM THAT!! Now many of you may agree or disagree which I welcome.. But when I consider God's words in this context the world just became that much clearer, resistance that may arise to people ,situations,  places or things, are RELEASED because "I AM THAT, I AM".. The homeless person - I AM THAT.. The naive child - I AM THAT.. The Tree, The Dog - I AM THAT.. So if I embrace All things AS ME the How Would I Treat ME?? I Would LOVE ME in every situation, I would FORGIVE ME, I would LISTEN TO ME, I Would NURTURE ME so on and so forth.. I could go on forever with examples but I'm sure you get the point.

It reminds me of a Phrase that I borrow from Muhammad Ali "ME - WE".. which is self explanatory We are the same, all from the Human Family. "I AM THAT, I AM" from God's mouth to Moses' ears to my ears! I AM YOU and YOU are ME and I LOVE ME, so as the Universal Law of Correspondence states "As Above, So Below".. I LOVE YOU!!!!

Be Well! Brooklyn Mclinn

1 comment:

  1. I have never seen the phrase written with a comma after the word, THAT. Many versions of the phrase read, "I AM WHO I AM." The version I've always heard, in spoken word and in song (CeCe Winans' 'I AM') always states: I AM THAT I AM with no comma. I've always believed the essence of the phrase was, "I AM THAT WHICH I AM." Truth be told, human beings will live and die on this planet from now until...well...until...and NO ONE will truly know WHO wrote "The Bible" or the true meaning of what was written. The ONLY verse written in The Bible that I care to adhere to, 'til the day breath leaves my body, is the verse about doing unto others as I'd have them do unto me. It just seems to me that living in accordance to that edict would make the world sooo much MORE COMPASSIONATE.
