
Friday, October 30, 2015

Sam Sarpong..

Sam Sarpong​ My Heart is SOOOOOO Heavy right now.. 30 years of Friendship gone!! Just know that I Love You and I will miss you!! This one is gonna Hurt for awhile and I'm going to Let it and Embrace the Pain.. We all need Reminders of how Fragile Life is. And after I'm done Mourning, I will continue to DEDICATE MY LIFE to trying to Inspire, Inform, Motivate and Transform Lives, so that we can Know that Life is Easier than We've been Led to Believe. I will keep saying it till i'm Dead, BY JUST BEING ALIVE you Are serving Your Purpose to GOD. Our Purpose is not tied up in our accomplishments. Our Purpose is to wake up everyday and Give Thanks, To connect with each other, to observe Sunsets, To Laugh, and also To Cry.. So My Brother, My Friend Thank You for 30 years of Enjoyment, We've never Cried Together but I Will Cry Now in Your Honor and Your Memory..  Gone but Never Ever Forgotten!!

Sunday, October 11, 2015



Happy Sunday!!

I was recently given a set of Tarot Cards as a gift, as I recently went to a birthday party and there was a Tarot reader there giving 7 minute readings. I, open to trying new things decided to do it. I was a little nervous at 1st, thinking I don't want to hear any bad news. But I quickly caught myself and that thought and asked myself, "If you don't want to hear any bad news then what do you want?" I answered, "I just want to have a new experience and be open to whatever information is provided, as I know in my spirit nothing(news) is neither good or bad until we make it so. To be more specific that thought is related directly to a Universal Law of Relativity.. To Learn more about the Seven basic Universal Laws click here.. These are Free downloads for you for stopping by my page!!

Anyways.. I sat with the Tarot reader and began to answer her questions. She told me somethings that were related to me through the cards but only after I shared with her. Needless to say it was pretty uneventful and I went back to the party to share what happened. What was funny was everyone that had got a reading said she said similar things to them as well!! We all had a good laugh but my friend I was with said the cards can be pretty accurate but you should learn to do it for yourself.

So Now I have a set of OSHO ZEN TAROT CARDS, Lol..

The cards come with an instruction book and some good explanations of the different styles of spreading the cards out and very informative explanations of what each individual card means. Basically as you are shuffling the cards you need to focus on whatever the subject, issue, challenge, topic that you are dealing with. Spread the cards out and use a Lay-Out suggested. Select the cards in the proper order and begin to turn them as suggested in the Lay-Out..

I won't go into detail about the topics I've asked about but the subject matter has been Career, Relationships etc..

One Card that I do want to mention that has come up a couple times is
 "The Outsider"

At first glance you see a picture of a small child standing outside of a Locked gate. To small to climb over, scared to be alone and by himself. He looks lost an unable, Helpless.. As I looked deeper into some feelings of Unworthiness came up, feeling like he doesn't belong inside, so he was locked out. He appears to be focused on the chains and looking through, when he could easily peer through the side of the gate where the chains aren't an obstruction. The colors of the rainbow are on the inside of the gate, where on the outside it appears to be dark and in the forest. 

So then I start to ask myself, where do I feel like this in relation to what I'm focused on in my life?
Where do I feel unworthy? Where do I feel locked out? Where do I feel Helpless? It became to be an honest and nonjudgmental assessment of myself.

But then when you look even closer to the picture and specifically at the lock, you notice that the lock isn't EVEN LOCKED!! In actuality the gate is OPEN it only has the appearance of being locked! There is actually nothing inside of the gate that is preventing this child from entering. He is keeping himself out by not just removing the open lock and entering inside and experiencing the Rainbow of Life!

I was blown away by this!! because it immediately brought me back to a quote I like..
"You are Confined only by the Wall You build for Yourself!!"
Any ad everything you can ever want is available to you if you just move toward it and Get out of Your Own Freaking Way!!

Now we can assess the reasons why this child either by his own doing or the programming of others doesn't enter the "Kingdom".. Maybe he was told by his parents, friends, society etc. He wasn't good enough and doesn't deserve whats on the inside of the gate. His plight is to remain locked out and helpless, feeling sorry for himself. Which we can see from the picture is so far from the truth. This is an individual search, you would need to be willing to ask yourself what is Holding you back from your Birthright!! Your Birthright of Happiness, Fulfillment, Joy, Pleasure.. It's available to ALL of us whenever we decide to Become it.

No longer play the the role of the Outsider!! The child that feels left out. Stop allowing Your Fears to paralyze you from seeing the gate is unlocked! The Rainbow is there for everyone to Experience..
The only thing that is Stopping you is YOU!!

Until next time.. Brooklyn Mclinn

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Good Morning Everyone!!

 I hope that you'll had a fantastic labor day weekend and an overall great summer.. I know I've had. Thanks again for all the bday wishes and in true virgo fashion I am going to answer them all!! Lmao..
I woke feeling refreshed and ready for the FALL FINISH!! We have 4 months left in 2015 and I want to Encourage you to Finish Strong!! Whatever you have accomplished is Great and whatever you have not accomplished so far this year You can do nothing about!! What you can do something about is RIGHT NOW.. Right now make a pledge to making the best out of these last 4 months. Don't wait till Jan. to start anew, We all can do that right now!!
Take some time today or this week to write down what you want to accomplish in these last few months and work a little bit on them everyday and you will be amazed how much if not all of it you get accomplished.
If you need any help with it or need an accountability partner do not hesitate to reach out to me.. As that is what I am here for!!
Remember Where you Start is not as Important as WHERE YOU  FINISH.. Zig Ziglar..