
Thursday, November 28, 2013

What's up y'all today being Thursday a national holiday for Thanksgiving! I'm not going to get into what or how this "Holiday" came into being,lol at this point in my life it doesn't matter. All that matters is "How YOU FEEL!" and If getting together on this day with family and friends makes you feel warm and fuzzy then GET IT IN!.. Save me a plate!! lol..

Anyways if you catch a break in between seconds and thirds and some football, going to continue the series everyday until its completed;-) GROWTH doesn't take a day off!

Before we continue, I wanted to mention I had lunch with a dear friend of mine yesterday, a fellow actor and we were discussing my experiences recently with some travel that I've been doing to NY, Lagos(Nigeria), Belize,Honduras and Cozumel&Costa Maya Mexico. As we spoke she began to share about where she is in life professionally and I noticed some choices of words that she was using that were getting in the way of her desires. So I asked if I could tweak a couple things she was saying and she agreed. Only because it was something that I have done myself over the years and noticed it in her conversation. I noticed that in her explaining of what she wanted to accomplish there were a lot of CONDITIONS to what she wanted. What I shared with her is that You're CONFUSING THE UNIVERSE! Lol.. The Universe doesn't understand conditions! Either YOU WANT IT or YOU DON'T. It is only going to give you what the prominent vibration is. Which in many cases is "I want it but".. Most of us don't realize we are doing this to ourselves and creating blocks that prevent full manifestation of what we have asked GOD for. If I was to type in Google search "No Football".. What do you think is going to come back in the search results?? Um you guessed it, FOOTBALL! lol.. The search like the Universe doesn't decipher between yes and no it gives you what the dominant thought is!! FOOTBALL.. So when we are asking for something we should learn to remove the conditions, either you want it or you don't. As I explained this she began to tear up not realizing what she was doing. I then told her that is why we were having this conversation for growth and improvement. Don't go home and beat yourself up for it, be grateful that a word was given that helped to clean up that blockage so you can move forward aggressively in the blessings that await you!

But I digress,lol..  "Average people believe you have to DO something. Rich people believe you have to BE something to get rich."

Living in ABUNDANCE is a state of BEING not something you DO. Now don't get me wrong, to accomplish anything of course there is Action involved but it is birthed out of How You Feel and if you Feel Good then the Action is an Inspired Action and not something being done out of Obligation! It comes down to your Perspective and most times its just tweaking how you are perceiving something. For Example, a friend of mine who works at CAA(Top Talent Agency) gave me a different perspective on how I was looking at my career. My thought was why do I have to DO(out of obligation) certain things that I believed my agent and manager should be DOING??.. He put it plainly because it will HELP YOUR SITUATION! He told me to stop looking at this action as well if I'm DOING(out of obligation) it then what am I paying them for and start to look at it from a stand point of EMPOWERING myself, which like we spoke earlier is a FEEL GOOD THOUGHT which in turns INSPIRES ME! and instantly it doesn't feel like obligation anymore. Because at the end of the day no one is going to care about me more than me, so I should be the one volunteering to do it, its for my benefit!

Enjoy your day! #onemansperspective

Brooklyn Mclinn

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dreams.. and Living in Expectation

June 23, 2011 at 2:47pm
I wrote this over 2 years ago and is more relevant today as it was then..

       Interesting thing happened in Acting Class last night.. We were doing an exercise called a Dream Sequence, where you close your eyes and See everything you've every wanted for yourself, being as Specific as possible. Leaving no detail out. No matter what you desire see it without judgement. If its a Big house, car, money,family, vacation, fellowship etc.. Whatever it is SEE it and allow for whatever energy that comes in to flow thru you. When we truly are tapped into to our truth there is an energy and a physicality that is manifested thru the thought. Thoughts become things.. So as I stood there watching my students go thru this I didnt see much of a change in the energy/physicality, the majority of them stood motionless. I thought to myself wow this is interesting..
Then I said lets envision the opposite. See all of your Dreams/Desires not coming true. See yourself stuck in the postion that you're in and even as much as having to go backwards.. Going home to face the criticism of not having made it. Instantly I saw an energy from the class, a physicality connected to the Disappointment. It was really troubling to see, not because they were allowing themselves to believe that the disappointment was possible. It was because they could allow themselves to see the disappointment without allowing themselves to see the EXpectation!
So after the exercise we talked about the feelings attached to the different objectives. And overwhelmingly what came out is a Fear of allowing themselves to Dream too Big, Not having taken the time to Dream and see abundance and expectation and sitting in it and allowing the Feeling to permeate. Some said it was easier to see the Disappointment because its what they were use to. Really broke my Heart to hear that.
Just like the majority of things in Life, its a Learned behavior to Live in Expectation and not Disappointment although they go hand in hand. The Universal Law of Polarity.. Everything has its Opposite.
We need to Learn how to Dream for it to be Real..
What I shared with them is that I have Big Dreams for myself and what I will do is go touch the Dream! If that going to the dealership and sitting in the car that I want and taking picture in it, going to the house and taking pic in it, going to the Oscar statue and taking pics with it.. Whatever I desire I make a point to go and touch it! Because It Lets Me Know That Its Real!!!.. Lets start a movement of Energy and Start touching our Dreams!! Take pics and Post them of your Dreams, Lets Support and Encourage eachother to know its possible and That Dreams do come True. The First Step is to Think it and Then GO TOUCH IT!!!
Sorry for Rambling but I needed to get this out.. Peace..

Thoughts and Beliefs

Hey All!!

Hoping this day finds you Grateful and Thankful.. I'm going to continue a series I started up on Facebook but am going to finish here.. Taking a look at some Thoughts and Beliefs that I and many of us have carried and how we can choose to look at them in a different Perspective that can change the outcome. Keeping in my mind, Thoughts become things! Energy, Vibration and Frequency are REAL! What we Vibrate is Exactly what we get back. We are ALL Manifesting our Realities, So lets work to be Deliberate about it as oppossed to being Reacting after the fact.

Here is the Re-Cap, The highlighted is previously discussed on Facebook.

      A Belief is only a thought you keep thinking!.. "Average people think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people believe POVERTY is the root of all evil." This was a thought I carried for awhile.. Money is not the issue.. Its the holder of money.. Money is only energy(currency) to be passed around. 

     "Average people think selfishness is a vice. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue." At first glance this statement seems to be what ills our world right now.. My take is "I need to take care of me(self) first! Get in Alignment with my desires, let God(spirit,source) Guide Me and then I can help(share) with others!" Change yourself Change the World!

     "Average people have a lottery mentality. Rich people have an action mentality." Cant front Ive played the lottery, Ive wanted govmt to do things for me, Ive wanted people to do things for me.. I now get in alignment with things I desire and move with Inspired action to watch God Manifest.. A belief is only a thought I keep thinking!

     "Average people think the road to riches is paved with formal education. Rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge." A single minded focus.. it doesnt mean you arent able to do other things,lol.. but what is going to be the root from which everything else branches from?? Beethoven,Einstein,Picasso,MLK etc.. Were known for specific things.. The Universe responds to Energy,Focus, Vibration,Momentum.. Pick something and dare to be Great at it! A dad,A mom, A friend.. Be RICH at something!

    "Average people long for the good old days. Rich people dream of the future." Ive definitely been guilty of this.. Using past experiences as HITCHING Post and getting stuck! as oppossed to GUIDING Post to steer you toward what God has in store for you. I will take it a step further as I only consider the NOW as that is truly all we have! because your FUTURE is determined by how you FEEL right NOW! Have a great RIGHT NOW! im bout to grab a drank! holla!

    "Average people see money through the eyes of emotion. Rich people think about money logically." Aint this the truth!!lol.. Ive been guilty of this.. Hoarding money, not thinking im going to make more, worrying about it being taken away from me. Now I understand Money is Energy(Currency) to be exchanged! its virtual, its a perceived value. Money is everything.. Time,Resources,helping hand,an ear to listen etc.. YOU! are Money! you have VALUE!.. The Universe responds to Energy! Create a Habit of Feeling good about earning and spending money.. Like breathing, Money in, Money out! U dont trey to take in ALL the Air you need for the day in morning. You take it as you need it! Just like Air, Money is everywhere, take it as you need it, knowing it will never run out, like Air!! Change your thoughts, Change your Life!!

    "Average people earn money doing things they don't love. Rich people follow their passion." This is one lesson I learned early on from my pops.. Ive had 2 jobs in my life, one at Sneakerland for a month when I was 16 and at UPS for 1/half days,lmao.. when I was 19.. I vowed after that to only do stuff that made me happy! Do what you love and abundance will come because of it! Too many of us are conditioned to equate physical effort with money, Abundance is vibrational/energy you can attract it by Inspired action doing what you LOVE to do!! I Love to Act,Teach(share information),play basketball(coach kids) etc.. Whats your passion? What do you Love so much you're willing to suffer for?? Thats where your abundance is living!! 

"Average people set Low Expectations so they're never disappointed. Rich people are up for the challenge."
Once again I have been guilty of this. Not knowing that our full power can only be realized by continually stretching our comfort zone. We live in an Universe that has limitless capacity! Think about it, at some point most ideas in the world were considered absurd at some point,lol.. Planes,Electricity,Space Travel, The world being round!.. There is nothing that you cannot achieve!! Stop speaking limitation into your lives. Sometimes the people that love us tell us not to reach too high because they fear the hurt we may feel in falling. But in Falling thats where the greatest lessons are. When we fell as babies learning to walk, we were encouraged to get back up and try again. Why did that change as we got older?? 

A friend always told me there will be enough of other people telling you what you Can and Cannot do. Don't tell it to yourself. Be the one person who Believes in you without fail!.. Confucius said "Those who say they CAN and those who say they CAN'T are both RIGHT! Lol..

Remember EVERYTHING is ENERGY.. The Universe responds to ENERGY what you VIBRATE on is what you GET BACK.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Change your THOUGHTS Change your LIFE!

This is my first blog, so if forgive if I ramble as I get the hang of this. Ive been asked to do this for sometime now. I've stop resisting it and chose to allow instead.
What is a Belief? A formal definiton is an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exist. So simply put a Belief is a Thought that I keep thinking. Most of us have some Belief system that we've gotten from our parents, our environment, school, friends, tv, music, Government, society, religon etc.. These Thoughts(Beliefs) have shaped our lives and are responsible for the outcomes that we receive. I sometime ago began to question my Thought System. I wondered why I believed the thoughts I was thinking. As I took this Journey it opened up some wounds, made some folks feel uncomfortable, brought a whole lot of clarity and a resolution that I am in Control of the Thoughts that I think and I have the power in spite of what we've been conditioned to think, to view the world for exactly what it is  PERFECT.